Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Parrot Linux OS 3.6 , Parrot AIR , Parrot OS 3.6 Lite version , Parrot OS 3.6 Studio Edition Released

Frozen Box has already released the newer version of Parrot Security OS. Those who are using any pen testing OS can check the newer version. This security OS is the new alternative of Famous Kali Linux 2017.1.
There are many variations released in Parrot Linux

  1. Parrot Linux OS 3.6 
  2. Parrot AIR 
  3. Parrot OS 3.6 Lite version 
  4. Parrot OS 3.6 Studio Edition
So guys if you are going to install it, then you should check all the features first. Some of these features are 
  • Parrot 3.6 Anonsurf improvement
  • AIRBUD board support
  • Parrot Support for PineBook

This information is taken from as the source. 
Thank You. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

WannaCry Ransomware Decryption Tool Released

if you are one of those victims whose data is encrypted by Wannacry ransomware then you should know about the latest update. A french researcher has developed a tool that can decrypt the tool & recover all your data without paying the ransom money.

WannaCry Working of encryption 

If you want to be recover your data or know about the working of ransomware then you can check the details from here.
This ransomware works on the formula & use prime numbers to create a key. there are private & public key in the formula.
You can download the tool tool from github.
All these information can be seen from the link given here.

WannaKey Decryption ToolWannaKiwi Decryptor Tool

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Linux Kernel 4.11 Fearless Coyote Released

Linux Kernel 4.11 - Fearless Coyote 

Linux kernel 4.11 is released now. The super programmer Linus Torvalds have already released it on 30th April 2017. The code name for Kernel 4.11 is Fearless coyote. if you are trying to get the update then we will provide the features of this new kernel.

The release of kernel 4.11 was delayed , it should be 21st April 2017. There ae so many things in the new blend like networking & sound drivers. According to Linus Torvalds “The code section for Arch updates & generic networking is so small that he saw it on the last week of release date.”

Features of kernel 4.11 - Fearless coyote 

  • Initial Gemini Lake support
  • Scalable swapping for solid state drives
  • SMC-R protocol
  • Improved support for Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0
  • Pluggable IO schedulers
  • New perf ftrace tool
  • Support for OPAL drives
Check more details from here. Linux Kernel 4.11 - Fearless Coyote