Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bodhi Linux 4.2.0 Released – Powered by Kernel 4.10

If you are a Linux user & you are trying to get a light weight linux distro then you can try Bodhoi linux. A newer version has been released by the developers . This version i.e. Bodhi Linux 4.2.0 is a very useful new version that is Bodhi Linux 4.2.0.
By default it has installed Swami Control panel by default.You can be using the linux version before . If it true then you should reinstall the Bodhi linux agaian.
Developers do not advice you to do this.
32 bit machines are still supportable for you. If you are using a legit ISO then only you can install it in your system.
You can get more information from the link given.

Bodhi Linux System Requirements

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